Why I Love The Liberty Mutual Commercial

Today’s Tuesday Tirade is dedicated to the Liberty Mutual Commercial called “Responsibility: What’s Your Policy?”

This is by far the best commercial I’ve seen in a long time. The ad originally aired a few months ago and uses the concept of pay-it-forward (minus the annoying child actor, Hayley Joel Osment). I’ve watched this a gazillion times, but before I go on, take a look for yourself:

If that doesn’t give you goosebumps, then put two fingers to the inside of your wrist and check your pulse. There are a myriad of reasons why I love this commercial, including:

1) The song chosen to play in the background is perfect. Hem…go check ’em out at iTunes.

2) I get a little misty eyed every time I watch it…and it’s a TV commerical. The last time I got emotional over a TV ad was a Folger’s commercial in the late ’80s. (C’mon…you know they had some real tearjerkers…)

3) I’ve had to deal with some real as*holes lately, including the mean cashier at Target, the rude driver that cut me off on my way to work this morning, and the waitress that gave me serious ‘tude just because I asked for my salad dressing on the side. This commercial reminds me that there are actually decent people in the world (or at least in TV Land), and that doing the right thing can be infectious.

Awwww, now I’m all warm and fuzzy inside. Except when I think about that guy who cut me off this morning in traffic.

YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE…and you deserve a big, fat….

Flipping the Bird


Filed under 2006, Liberty Mutual, Traffic, TV

2 responses to “Why I Love The Liberty Mutual Commercial

  1. Thanks for the great reminder that we can all do alot more every day to help others … and it doesn’t take time, money or a major amount of energy … it’s just a matter of where our awareness and focus is.

  2. Rin-tintin

    Myself —

    Right on, girl — I’m with you. Best commercial of the last 12 months by far.


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