And The Winner Is…

Attention everyone! The Gawker Shop is having a huge sale on its tshirts this Memorial Day weekend, so I urge you to go check out their selection.

You’ll find items like this:

Gawker Shirt

And this:

Gawker Shirt

I might personally spring for the “Don’t Free Paris” shirt, but I’m also pining over the “Your Assistant Hates You” tee. Choices, choices.

Speaking of tshirts, please help me in offering a huge CONGRATULATIONS and a YOU KICKED EVERYONE’S ASS to Sticky Notes readers, GSizzle and Amers, for winning the “Search for a Real Genius” contest! After deliberating carefully and methodically over the past month, I realized this baby has two champions. Now I know I owe you both some duds, but let’s face it…I’m only a blog writer and online editor…so when I get the funds, I’ll send you your booty. (Hehe, I just said booty.)

And now I implore you to exit the internet, put on some flipflops, and attend a rip-roaring BBQ. Because it’s Memorial Day and I said so.


Filed under Fashion, Real Genius

4 responses to “And The Winner Is…

  1. WOOT! I’m a winner!!!!!

    Ok I have on flops and I’m a winner but I have no barbeque to go to and I’m addicted to my laptop!!!!

    :::::::::::manually makes L with hand and stamps on forehead because I still live in the early 90s::::::::::::::::and am a loser::::::::::::BUT a winner too:::::::::::::::::

  2. GSizzle (AKA George Scavdis)

    I can’t take the credit. I gotta thank these little digital guys with the big hearts. Does it feel good to be a champion? Yeah. It feels good to be a champion!

  3. Sean

    Rubbish! Tip of the hat to you two, but I think I was unfairly judged!

  4. KLW

    I heart these tee shirts. Thanks for posting about them. I wonder if they qualify as business casual?

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